US Together Statement Condemning Police Brutality


We at US Together stand with Black communities and all communities of color in a fight against police brutality and injustice, and for equality and fairness. Racist violence against black and brown communities, reinforced by systems of inequalities, should not be tolerated or excused under any circumstances. As a mutual assistance agency that primarily serves refugees and immigrants, we see the trauma that racism causes within our communities every single day.

Our hearts ache as we grieve the death of George Floyd and countless Black Americans who have suffered indignities, violence, and disregard for their rights. To our Black colleagues, supporters, partners, clients, and beneficiaries: we are with you. We are here to support you.

Our clients, our cofounders, and many of our staff are refugees who fled oppression and injustice in their home countries with the belief that the United States promised respect, dignity, and liberty. That promise remains, as it has always been, unfulfilled for far too many Black communities and people of color. We at US Together reaffirm our commitment to realize that promise—because the America we believe in lies not in denying injustice but in declaring our willingness to fight it; not in excluding our neighbors but in elevating their voices.

As an affiliate of HIAS, the oldest international humanitarian organization in the U.S., we know “there is no place for racism and hate in our country, and there will be no justice until we stand together and demand it for everyone."