2021 New American Forum: Announcing Gateways for Growth!
The New American Advisory Council (NAAC) was established in 2017 by the Franklin County Board of Commissioners to build a more welcoming and inclusive community. Chaired by US Together Co-Founder and Co-Director Nadia Kasvin, the NAAC is a cross-sector collaboration comprising immigrant and refugee service providers, state and local governments, policy experts, immigrant and refugee leaders, and business and community partners. The NAAC works to identify challenges and opportunities facing the New American community, to build a platform of inclusivity, and to offer solutions related to integration efforts.
Every year, the NAAC plans a Forum to bring experts together to engage in discussions surrounding the most pressing barriers to inclusivity in our community. These conversations are then turned into concrete recommendations to the Franklin County Board of Commissioners.
Commissioner Boyce and Councilmember Remy are strong supporters of New Americans in our community!
On Thursday, May 20, the NAAC virtually held the 2021 Forum. To ensure the safety of our community, this event occurred on Zoom. Nearly 70 community leaders were brought together to discuss how to make Franklin County more welcoming to all those who call it home. The event began with warm welcomes from Franklin County Commissioner Kevin Boyce and Columbus City Councilmember Emmanuel Remy. Without these two fearless leaders, this event would not have been possible.
Mo Kantner from New American Economy presented a brand-new report on New Americans in Columbus, Ohio. This report explores the demographics of refugees and immigrants including sections from language to education and spending power. This report was created as part of the Gateways for Growth project which US Together is currently engaged in. The presentation of the report marks the official kick-off to this several-months long project. The breakout rooms at the end of this Forum were the first of several community conversations that will be taking place throughout the summer. The information gathered in these discussions will be used to create a Strategic Welcoming Plan. This plan will provide concrete steps on how to make Franklin County more inclusive to all New Americans.
Mo Kantner from New American Economy presented a report showing just how much New Americans contribute to Central Ohio
This full report can be found below:
There were eight separate breakout rooms to discuss relevant issues to New Americans in Franklin County. Each breakout group was facilitated by trained moderators to ensure everyone had an equal voice at the table. There was a notetaker in each breakout room to capture the meaningful conversations. The eight focus areas of the breakout room were:
Addressing Issues of Unemployment and Underemployment
Creating an Equal Playing Field for New American Owned Small Businesses
Addressing the Digital Divide
Ensuring Equitable Access to Education
Increasing Diversity for Franklin County Commissions and Nonprofit Boards
Ensuring Accessibility of Services
Achieving Safe and Affordable Housing
Providing Mental and Physical Healthcare Services
Amidst all of these conversations, participants voiced concern around critical gaps in services to New Americans. Within the hour allotted for the breakout sessions, each group came together to find working solutions to each issue. The success of this event is a testament to how much our community is working to ensure that everyone has access to the services that they need.
The official press release for the Gateways for Growth Report can be found here.
A special thanks goes out to Franklin County Commissioner Kevin Boyce and his team, Columbus City Councilmember Emmanuel Remy and his team, Mo Kantner of New American Economy, and George Zavala of Welcoming America. Thank you to all NAAC members who served as moderators, volunteers who served as notetakers, and participants who came together to make Franklin County more inclusive to all New Americans.