Coupon Book Feature: Kubra Kulshi & Kalashi
Today, we will be featuring an amazing owned business in our holiday fundraiser coupon book, Kubra Kulshi & Kalashi! If you are interested in purchasing a coupon book, you can go to our donation page, donate $25 or more, and we will send you a book with some great deals to amazing businesses in Cleveland! As appreciation for your support, for a donation of $10 or more, we will send you an US Together bracelet, and a $100 and more donation will bring you a unique 2020 UST Calendar, full of amazing cooking recipes from all over the world!
Kubra Alhilali
Kubra Alhilali is an Iraqi American who came to the U.S. as a refugee. She was born in Baghdad, Iraq and specializes in the fine arts and painting. She is currently a client in US Together’s Microenterprise and Development Program, which works to promote the innate talents and skills of refugees and immigrants thought eliminating barriers and providing, skill-based learning and technical assistance to support economic revitalization in Northeast Ohio. She has really appreciated taking part in the markets under the Microenterprise Development Program and she is looking forward to having her artwork at future markets the program takes part in this year!
Kubra’s art highlights the beauty of the Arabic language, highlighting words and phrases within her paintings such as “love” and “hope”. Some of the impressive art exhibitions Kubra’s art has been featured at includes:
Iraqi Festival (Together Against Terrorism), Jordan 2008
Human Rights exhibition/ UNHCR, Jordan 2008
International Women’s Day exhibition, Jordan 2009/2010
Cuyahoga Community College Students Art exhibition 2013
Negative Space Gallery 2015
Negative Space Gallery 2016
Cleveland Public Library exhibit (Opposite)
Lakewood Gallery Joint Art Exhibition Cleveland Ohio 2017
Cleveland State University with Salaam Cleveland 2017
Negative Space Gallery 2018
Cleveland Public Theater 2019
Detroit Rocky Rive Joint Art Exhibition 2019
Apple Tree Book 2020
Some of Kubra’s incredible art
Kubra wants to encourage refugees like herself to use their skills and talents to start their own businesses and have a source of income they can rely on! She has really been an inspiration to the refugee and immigrant community in Cleveland, and we are so happy so happy to share her art and talents with you all! To see more photos of her artwork, be sure to check out her Instagram at @kubraalhilali!
We hope you are inspired to support Kubra, US Together, and the other businesses featured in our holiday coupon book by donating to our holiday fundraising campaign! Your donation will directly help us continue serving the Cleveland refugee community during these uncertain times. We truly appreciate your support!