Our #BigHero: Layla Banaie, Volunteer and Donations Coordinator


As we continue to fundraise for our services with #TheBigGive, we want to highlight our Volunteer and Donations Coordinator, Layla Banaie. Layla not only supervises our volunteers, she also teaches cultural orientation, citizenship classes, and ESL to refugees and immigrants living in Columbus.

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Layla is a #BigHero because of her impeccable organizational skills, creativity, and dedication to our clients. When we began transitioning our services online in March, she was quick to strategize alternatives for her in-person classes. She started creating individualized lesson packets with educational materials and written instructions for her students. She ensures these materials are distributed in the preferred language of each student and takes the time to mail new packets each month.

Layla maintains contact with her students through texting apps and other online platforms, while still reaching her students that do not have Wifi. We are beyond lucky to have Layla on our team!

To support Layla's work, consider making a donation here.

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