The Big Give: Supporting Refugees and Immigrants


Tomorrow we are participating in The Big Give, a community campaign in which all donations will be matched within a 25 hour period by The Columbus Foundation.


We are proud to join this campaign; amidst a global pandemic and an uncertain future, non-profit organizations have paved the way for streamlined support services and COVID-19 relief. Here at US Together, our case managers have been on the front-lines providing intensive case management, mental health services, and interpretation for our refugee and immigrant families.  Through telehealth appointments and virtual interpretation, refugees experiencing anxiety, depression, and/or trauma can access critical care. With uncertainty surrounding people’s health, financial status, and immigration processes, these services are vital.

Our case managers are also working with refugee and immigrant women that have experienced domestic violence and/or abuse. As courts are flooded with cases and trials are put on hold, we have created innovative support systems for women in need. Online meetings and daily check-ins are just a few ways our case managers ensure the safety of their clients. US Together is able to provide these essential services at no cost for individuals in need thanks to our generous donors and volunteers.

Please consider supporting our organization during this critical time.

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