AmeriCorps VISTA Helps Refugees Receive Furniture in Toledo
“It’s been an honor to serve with so many great people and organizations.”
When refugees land in the United States, they often arrive at the airport with very limited items. It is the responsibility of their respective resettlement agency to ensure that their initial home is complete with furnishings and supplies. US Together’s case managers in Toledo are constantly hard at work finding housing for new arrivals. Our Community Engagement and Development AmeriCorps VISTA member in Toledo, Courtney, has been filling in the next essential component of housing and coordinating furniture for our clients. Assisting with at least 10 moves, she has helped provide everything that the refugees we serve need for their first apartment in the United States.
Working with volunteers, donors, and various community organizations, Courtney has been helping the office maintain a vast network of contacts all who aim to create a better life for refugees in Toledo. An outstanding organization that Toledo works with is Let’s Build Beds, which builds beds for youth 17 years of age and under. Courtney said, “It’s been an honor to serve with so many great people and organizations.” Ensuring clients have everything they need in their first home in the United States can be challenging since most of their items are donations. Courtney has to manage donor and client’s schedules to maintain a smooth operation for everyone involved. Community members have donated more than ten sofas, six living room chairs, ten kitchen table sets, alongside other furniture items like dressers and coffee tables.
The incredible generosity of the community has brought much joy into the lives of refugees arriving in Northwest Ohio. We thank both Courtney for her hard work and all the community partners she has coordinated as they create a welcoming environment for new arrivals.